Cool, Fun Camp Signs Across the U.S.

February 3, 2022by J. Mayleben

Before camping season arrives, why don’t we look into something fun? Here comes some of the coolest or most fun camp signs across the country! We hope these bring you some good inspiration. And when you’re ready, check out our customized wood camping sign!

shipping container camping sign
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Shipping Container Pop Art

We came across this sign online and just have to share with you. People talk so much about upcycling shipping containers, but have you thought about doing this!? We would love to see camping signs like this pop up around, that’s for sure!

bear country camp sign
Image Credit Buckhorn Campground

Now Entering Bear Country!

Is California bear country? Well, the Buckhorn Camp sure says so! Just in case you missed the big, bold font, the campsite decided to throw a huge bear claw print up there too. Frankly, the text is a bit hard to read. But the claw sure looks cool, don’t you think so?

license plate fun camp sign
Image Credit Visit Florida

A License Plate Collage

How cool is this Happy Camper sign? It’s made of letters cut out of different license plates! The colorful, vintage plates have always been a romantic symbol for many travelers, especially glampers. So, what’s cooler than assign actually made of license plates?

family name tree
Image Found on Google

Leave Your Name, Campers

This is the route we’re going if we ever buy land and build a commune campsite. Just look how adorable it is with everyone’s name on it! You don’t see camp signs very often, but we always love the bursting personalities whenever we see one.

unknown distance
Image Found on Google

Does it Matter?

While we can’t identify where this road sign is, we definitely love the casual attitude coming from whoever planted this sign. I mean… we know it’s 4/3 mile away, so might as well keep going? It’s not that far anyway.

bob ross fun camp sign
Image Found on Google

Hey Bob Ross!

Someone has been watching too many Bob Ross episodes when they made this sign! But honestly, we’d take a happy little tree sign anytime. It would be nice if they told us which forest this road leads to, but oh well… If the trees are happy, I’m sure we’ll be happy too once we get there!

big foot xing sign
Imgae Credit Colorado Springs official website

Did you say… Big Foot!?

This is not a prank photo! This Big Foot Crossing sign is actually real, right there in Colorado Springs, CO! Just put 5069 Pikes Peak Hwy, Colorado Springs, CO into your GPS the next time you’re around. Keep in mind there is a $15 per person admission fee.

PS – while not identical, you can buy a Big Foot Crossing sign on Amazon and literally put it in your backyard!

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J. Mayleben

Glampin Life Beach Carts & Beach Gear
106 Lichen Rd.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588



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J. Mayleben
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