New to RV Life? Here’s What You Need to Know

April 20, 2022by Mike Mayleben

Full-time RVing sounds exciting. But just like starting a new job, there are always differences between expectations and reality. So, if you’re new to RV life, check out the following list. Then, give it a good laugh and prepare yourself for the real world!

Something Will Always Go Wrong

Doesn’t matter how much time you spend planning for a glamping trip. Something is always going to happen. And it’s just impossible to be prepared for everything. So, in the end, learn to laugh at a situation out of your control and try not to ruin the rest of your trip because of a bad mood.

Pay Attention to Your Highway Zones

Having an RV breakdown is far more problematic than having a flat tire in your car. Therefore, be more conscious of your whereabouts, especially the highway zone numbers you can use if you need help.

camping new to rv life
Image Credit Unsplash

It’s Not All Instagram Pictures

Influencers aren’t going to show you all the frustrations behind the scenes. In real life, most of the time, you will be doing chores in the RV, keeping up with your work, or even editing the images and videos you took. So, while social media is great for inspiration, don’t take it too seriously, especially if you’re new to RV life.

Develop an Easy Hobby

Knitting, coloring, reading… Ensure you have a hobby or two that are easily doable in an RV. Because life on the road is boring, but you’ll have more things to post on Instagram!

People Are Willing To Help

Most glampers understand the challenge if you’re new to RV life. Since they’ve been there, too, they’re always willing to help a newbie out. However, do make sure to research on your own before reaching out to people. Be appreciative when others take the time to help you.

rv van
Image Credit Unsplash

Always Check Reviews

If you plan a trip somewhere new, you should always check online reviews. I’m not talking about the “best-hidden secret” lists published by online magazines. A lot of those are paid listings. Or they only talk about the more popular options. So, to be safe, you should check the real people reviews on Facebook and Google before heading out to a park or a campsite.

Go With Good Travel Buddies

At least for the first few times. The same goes with glamping with your family because it takes time to understand how everyone camps and what they’re best at. That would also save your mental health from endless camping fights and improve life.

Try to Stay Positive

In the end, it’s about not letting things get to you. RV life can be new and fun when you know how to keep your head up even when it rains. Develop some good routines to help you stay positive and process through the discouraging things. If you have glamper friends to talk to, a silly venting session is always fun.

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Mike Mayleben
I've been camping and boating my entire life. My parents tent camped and we've always had a boat. I started water skiing when I was 4 and ended up skiing competitively for the University of Cincinnati. I've always enjoyed camping and excited to share the same type of experiences with my wife and two daughters.

Glampin Life Beach Carts & Beach Gear
106 Lichen Rd.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588



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Mike Mayleben
I've been camping and boating my entire life. My parents tent camped and we've always had a boat. I started water skiing when I was 4 and ended up skiing competitively for the University of Cincinnati. I've always enjoyed camping and excited to share the same type of experiences with my wife and two daughters.
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